You Be The Ref Answers, March 2019

You Be The Ref Answers, March 2019

1.  TRUE or FALSE?  At the snap, the snapper (center) is the only player that is allowed to be in the neutral zone.

The answer is TRUE.  The center has a right to be over the ball at the snap.  (Rule 7.1.2)

2.  Team A’s run is closed (has been used on current possession), and quarterback A1 scrambles 3 yards beyond the line of scrimmage, then retreats 3 yards behind the original line of scrimmage, where he is deflagged.  This is a foul for illegal procedure for using a second scrimmage running play during a possession.  The penalty is:
a)      Loss of down from the previous spot.
b)     5-yards from the previous spot and loss of down.
c)      10-yards from the previous spot and loss of down.
d)      5-yards from the previous spot and replay the down.

The answer is B.  The penalty for an illegal use of a second scrimmage running play during a possession is 5-yards from the previous spot and loss of down.  (Rule 7.3.4)

3.  TRUE or FALSE?  For every kickoff (free kick to begin either half or following a safety), the clock shall be started when the ball is kicked.

The answer is FALSE.  For all kickoffs that begin a half, the clock should be started when the ball is kicked, but for free kicks following a safety with less than two minutes remaining on the clock, the clock should be started when the kick is touched, other than first touching by K.  (Rules 3.3.1 and 3.3.2)