1)  TRUE or FALSE?  Team A snaps the ball with 2:04 left in the half. With 1:56 remaining on the clock, quarterback A1 throws an illegal forward pass that falls incomplete. There is 1:54 showing on the clock after the down.  The foul for the illegal forward pass includes a 10-second subtraction from the game clock.

FALSEAn incomplete illegal forward pass does require a ten second subtraction from the game clock if the foul happened during a down that started after the two-minute warning has occurred.  Since this down started with 2:04 remaining on the clock, there is no 10-second runoff.

2)  TRUE or FALSE?  B3, defending against a legal forward pass beyond the neutral zone, has their back to the ball and is waving their arms in the face of A8, but does not make contact.  This is a foul for defensive pass interference.

FALSEThere is no foul for defensive pass interference if there is no contact.

3)  TRUE or FALSE?  3rd down & 5. Team A’s run is used/closed. Quarterback A5 throws a legal forward pass that is intercepted by B1. After the interception and during the return, B1 throws a backwards pass to B2.  The backwards pass is intercepted in the air by A8.  A8 is deflagged by B9.  It is now 1st & 10 for team A at the spot of B9's deflagging, and the run is now unused/open.

TRUEBecause there has been a change of possession during the down, team A will now begin a new possession with the ball 1st & 10, and the scrimmage running play is available to them for use during the next possession.

4)  TRUE or FALSE?  At the time the ball is made ready for play receivers A3 and A4 are moving. A3 then comes to a stop and A4 continues in motion as the ball is snapped.  This is a dead ball foul and a false start.

TRUEThis is a new editorial rule change for us this year.  Dead ball. False start. Team A players were not all stopped for a full second before the snap at any time after the ball was made ready for play. Officials should stop the action, and Team A is penalized five yards for a dead-ball foul. This is an illegal shift that converts to a false start and is eligible for a 10-second subtraction from the game clock if this foul occurs while the clock is running and after the two-minute warning has occurred.

5)  TRUE or FALSE?  After the ball is made ready for play, all seven Team A players come to a complete stop for a full second. Then receiver A5 goes laterally in motion.  While A5 is in motion, receiver A2 takes two steps backwards and resets.  A5 is still moving when the ball is snapped.  This is a dead ball foul and a false start.

FALSEThis is a live ball foul for an illegal shift. The play should continue. When the ball is dead, the officials stop the clock to administer the penalty. This is an illegal shift that DOES NOT convert to a false start and is NOT eligible for a 10-second subtraction from the game clock in any scenario because all 7 A players were set for at least one second prior to the snap.


1)  TRUE or FALSE?  1st & 10 for A from the 40.  All 7 A players line up in a formation and back A5 goes in motion laterally.  While A5 is in motion, quarterback A1 takes two steps backward, sets, and receives the snap.  A5 remains in motion at the snap then turns downfield after the ball is snapped.  This is a penalty for an illegal shift.
TRUE.  According to rule 7.2.4., "after a huddle or shift, all Team A players shall come to an absolute stop and remain stationary, simultaneously, without pronounced movement of hands, feet, head or body for at least one second before the snap."  After that one second, only one player can be in motion, as long as that motion is not towards the line of scrimmage.  If player A5 had reset for one second after the QB A1 took their two steps backward, A5 could then go into motion again, and there would not be a foul for an illegal shift.

2)  TRUE or FALSE?  If a loose ball touches a game official who is straddling the sideline, the ball is not out of bounds.
FALSE.  According to rule 2.7.3., "a loose ball is out-of-bounds when it touches anything, including a player or game official, which is out of bounds."

3)  TRUE or FALSE?  Inside the last two minutes of either half, if a muffed snap touches the ground prior to the QB gaining possession, the clock should be stopped, the ball goes back to the previous spot, and the down counts.
FALSE.  Rule 3.1.3 says "an errant snap that touches the ground during the last two minutes of each half does not cause the clock to stop."  This is because an errant snap is treated like a fumble would be in tackle football, not an incomplete pass.  Team A should not be given the advantage of stopping the clock in the last two minutes of each half due to a muffed snap.

4)  TRUE or FALSE?  During overtime, if the defensive team gains possession of a live ball, the ball becomes dead immediately and the down and series has ended for the offensive team.
TRUE.  Rule 8.6.1.d

5)  TRUE or FALSE?  Once the snapper places both hands on the ball, they may not be removed until a legal snap occurs.
FALSE.  7.1.6. NOTE says, "The snapper may take their hand(s) off the ball, but only if this does not simulate the start of a play."


1)  In a Women's+ division game, a junior-sized football must be used.

FALSE.  A junior-sized football may be used, but it not required in the Women's+ division.  Also, youth-sized footballs are allowed in the Womens'+ division.

2)  During overtime, if the defense intercepts the ball and returns it for a touchdown, the game is over.

FALSE.  In overtime, if the defensive team gains possession of a live ball, the ball becomes dead immediately and the down and series has ended for the offensive team.  This rule mirrors high school football rules and is designed to give both teams' offenses and defenses a chance to compete in overtime.

3)  If a loss of down penalty by A on 4th down is accepted and after enforcement, the ball is short of the line-to-gain, it will be B’s ball with 1st down & 10.

TRUE.  All live ball fouls are enforced before checking/measuring for a first down for team A.  If after all live ball penalties are enforced after a foul is accepted that includes loss of down, then the ball belongs to the defense, 1st & 10

4)  A runner is moving downfield when they slip and begin to fall. In order to maintain balance, they place the ball on the ground to stabilize while maintaining possession. Ruling: Dead ball.

FALSE.  Rule 4.2.1.b says, "The ball becomes dead and the down is ended when the runner goes out-of-bounds or allows any part of their body except hand or foot to touch the ground (note: the down does not end if a ball touches the ground while still in control of a player)."  The ball is considered an extension of the hand.  This rule is the same across all levels of football.

5)  Inbounds runner bumps into a game official who has one foot on the sideline. Runner is out-of-bounds and the ball becomes dead.

FALSE.  Rule 2.7.2 says that "a ball in player possession is out-of-bounds when the runner or the ball touches anything, other than another player or game official, which is on or outside the sidelines or end line."  A player with possession of the ball simply touching an official who is standing out of bounds does not cause the player to be out of bounds, and therefore the ball remains live.  BONUS POINTS:  If a loose ball touches an official who is standing out of bounds, that does make the ball out of bounds.

6)  If A is guilty of offensive pass interference on 4th down and that penalty is accepted, it will be B’s ball with 1st down and 10.

FALSE.  Offensive pass interference is not a foul that carries a loss of down penalty, therefore the down would be replayed after enforcement of the 10-yard penalty from the previous spot.


Below find the correct responses to the Ref Quiz for Sept 2023

1)  TRUE or FALSE?  A passer who is deflagged when their arm is moving forward in an attempt to throw the ball is not considered down.

FALSE.  If the ball is still in the passer's hand when the flag is pulled, then the passer is considered down.  In the case of a tie -- the passer is deflagged at the same time as the ball is leaving their hand -- the passer is not considered down and play should continue.

2)  TRUE or FALSE?  A1 and B1 both secure the pass in the air at the same time. When they return to the ground, A1 is in bounds and B1 is out of bounds. Ruling: Completed simultaneous catch.

FALSE.  Rule 7.5.d says that an incomplete forward pass is a "pass which touches the ground; pass which goes out of bounds; pass possessed by a player who is in the air but first touches the ground out-of-bounds".  Since B1 is possessing the ball and first touches out of bounds when they come to the ground, that makes the ball out of bounds and results in an incomplete pass.

3)  TRUE or FALSE?  A punt is muffed at the R-2 yard line and lands out-of-bounds behind R’s goal line. Result: Safety.

FALSE.  Rule 8.4.1 says that a muff is not considered a new force.  Rule 8.4.3 says that "it is a touchback when any kick in flight is muffed and next touches the ground behind R’s goal line."

4)  TRUE or FALSE?  A touchdown is scored when a runner reaches the ball across the opponent's goal line even if no part of the runner’s body crossed the goal line prior to the deflag.

TRUE.  Rule 8.2.1.a says that "it is a touchdown when the runner advances from the field of play so that the ball penetrates the vertical plane of the opponent’s goal line."

5)  TRUE or FALSE?  It is third down and 5 on the A 30 yard-line.  A1 gains 11 yards, then throws an illegal forward pass.  Ruling: Penalize A 5 yards from the spot of the illegal forward pass. Since the yardage mark-off leaves the ball beyond the line-to-gain beanbag marker, it is 1st down.

TRUE.  An illegal forward pass foul is a "loss of down foul", but that just means that the fouling team loses the right to replay the down.  Rule 5.1.2.a says that after "a scrimmage down ends and after considering any live ball fouls, except unsportsmanlike fouls, with the ball in the field of play or out-of-bounds between the goal lines, a new series is to be awarded to Team A if the ball belongs to A on or beyond the line-to-gain."  This results in a 1st down for A.  No series can ever begin on a down other than first.

YBTR August 2023


1)  TRUE or FALSE?  Running into the kicker and roughing the kicker both carry 10-yard penalties and automatic first down.

TRUE.  With an increase in the number of unannounced "quick kicks" in the league over the last few years, a review of the rulebook revealed that we actually didn't have a penalty for running into or roughing the kicker in the rulebook!  This added last year as an editorial change, and since flag football is a limited contact sport, both penalties carry a 10-yard penalty and an automatic first down.  The difference in the two is that roughing the kicker also carries a penalty for possible
ejection for 4 or 8 scrimmage plays, and possible disqualification.


2)  TRUE or FALSE?  Players can not wear custom-made flags, even if the belt includes three flags that are the same size and dimensions as the Triple Threat brand flags & contrast with the player's shorts or pants.

FALSE.  The rule was codified this year to clearly allow custom-designed flags to be worn by teams, as long as the flags are the same size and dimensions as the Triple Threat brand flags (Flag size: 2 1/4"W x 14 1/2"L), hang at the player’s sides & posterior, and are permanently attached and secured to the flag belt. The flags also must contrast with the player’s pants. 

3)  TRUE or FALSE?  Junior- and youth-sized footballs are allowed in Womens+ division play.

TRUE.  Prior to the 2022-2023 rulebook, this was an exception to the rulebook for the Womens+ division, and not actually included in the rulebook.  Now, we have complete ball size specifications for both sizes of the football (junior & youth) listed in the official rules.

4)  TRUE or FALSE?  The length of each half is 25 minutes.

TRUE.  The city leaders voted to reduce the length of the halves from 30 minutes to 25 minutes in 2022.

5)  TRUE or FALSE?  Players may wear any type of face mask for health reasons.

FALSE.  Players may wear a face mask for health reasons, but those masks shall not include graphics, logos, or insignia that engenders ill will or taunts an opponent.

6)  TRUE or FALSE?  A pass is considered to be a forward pass if it is thrown with its initial direction toward the opponent’s end line.

FALSE.  This is the old definition of a forward pass.  The new, updated definition matches the NCAA rule that says "A pass is forward if the ball first strikes the ground, a player, an official or anything else anything nearer the opponent’s goal line than the point at which the ball leaves the passer’s hand(s). All other passes are backward passes. When in question a pass thrown in or behind the neutral zone is forward rather than a backward pass" and that "if a Team B player contacts the passer or ball after forward movement begins and the ball leaves the passer’s hand, a forward pass is ruled regardless of where the ball strikes the ground or a player."

7)  TRUE or FALSE?  Once the snapper places both hands on the ball, they may not be removed until a legal snap occurs.

FALSE.  The snapper may remove their hand(s) from the ball after gripping the ball and making their preliminary adjustments, as long as the movement is not considered "abrupt" and does not simulate the snap or start of the play.

8)  TRUE or FALSE?  Team B's initial rusher's entire body must be outside the expanded neutral zone.

TRUE.  Rule 2.3.7 requires the rusher's "entire body" to be "outside the expanded neutral zone" in order to be eligible to be the first B player to cross the line of scrimmage after the snap. 

9)  TRUE or FALSE?  The game clock shall stop when a first down is declared with two minutes or less remaining in either half.

TRUE.  This has always been a rule in our league, however prior to the 2022-2023 rulebook, the wording in rule 3.3.8 was vague as to stopping the clock after a first down was declared.


1.  R1 catches the opening at their own 7-yard line and makes a spectacular run. As they near the goalline, R1 turns and taunts the nearest pursuer. R1 scores, but before they cross the goalline, they are flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct.
a)  If the penalty is accepted, the touchdown is canceled. The penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul and team R begins a new series after enforcement.
b)  If the penalty is accepted, it may be enforced on the try or on the start of K's next possession from the 15-yard line.
c)  If the penalty is accepted, it must be enforced on the try.
d)  If the penalty is accepted, it must be enforced on the free kick after the try.

b)  Rule 10.4.1 states that the penalty for any live-ball unsportsmanlike conduct foul is administered from the succeeding spot, and rule 8.2.2.b gives the opponent of the fouling team the choice of enforcing the penalty on the try or on the subsequent possession following the try.


2.  3rd & 1 for team A at B's 8-yard line.  The pylon is properly placed.  A4's fumble in flight from the 5-yard line bounces off the pylon and lands in the field of play at B's 2-yard line.
a)  The ball remains live.
b)  The ball is dead; it will be first and 10 for team B from its 2-yard line.
c)  The ball is dead; it will be first and 10 for team A from its 5-yard line.
d)  The ball is dead; it will be first and 10 for team A from its 2-yard line.
e)  The ball is dead; it will be first and 10 for team B from its 15-yard line.

c)  The ball touching a properly placed pylon causes the ball to the out of bounds behind the goal line.  Rule 4.2.1.f.ii states that if "the ball is fumbled forward...it is spotted where the runner loses possession, including forward fumbles that touch the ground in the end zone or out of bounds behind the goal line."

3.  Second and 30 from team A's 30-yard line. A1's forward pass is grabbed near the sideline at team A's 40-yard line by airborne eligible A2, who jumps straight into the air. B3 then shoves A2 so they land out of bounds beyond team A's 42 yard-line.
a)  Its no catch.
b)  Its a catch if the covering official believes A2 would have landed inbounds without the contact.
c)  None of the options is correct.

b)  Rule 2.2.4 states that "if a player catches a pass and is pushed out-of-bounds, the pass is considered complete if an official judges that the player would have caught the ball in-bounds except for the pushing."

4.  The snap ends when:
a)  The ball touches the ground or is possessed by any player.
b)  The ball leaves the snapper's hand(s).
c)  The ball is moved from its place on the ground.
d)  None of the options is correct.

a)  Rule 2.11.2 defines that "the snap begins when the snapper first moves the ball legally other than an adjustment", and the "snap ends when the ball touches the ground or is possessed by any player."

5.  K1's kickoff hits the ground at team R's 25 yardline. R1 goes to one knee to field the ball.
a)  R1 may advance when they recover the ball, even though their knee is touching the ground when they gains possession.
b)  Even if R1 rises so their knee is off the ground when they gain possession, they may not advance because their knee was at one time on the ground.
c)  If the ball contacts R1, with their knee on the ground, the ball is dead the second it touches them.
d)  None of these statements is true.

d)  If the player possesses the ball with their knee on the ground, the ball becomes dead.  It does not become dead immediately if it merely touches a player whose knee is on the ground, but would become dead if it touches the ground after touching that player.  As long as the player's knee is not on the ground at the time they gain possession of the ball, they may advance.

May 2023 YBTR


1. Rusher B2 deflags quarterback A1 at the exact same time as a legal forward pass is released from A1’s hand.  The pass is completed for a 5-yard gain to A2.

a)  Play results in a sack.

b)  Play results in a completed pass, gain of 5-yards.

b)  Play results in a completed pass, gain of 5-yards.  Similar to a simultaneous catch of a legal forward pass, a tie goes to the offense on an exactly timed deflagging and release of the ball from the QB's hand.


2. A1, running for an apparent touchdown, fumbles the ball on B’s 3-yard line. The ball lands in B’s end zone.

a)  Touchback.

b)  Safety.

c)  The ball is dead where A1 lost possession at B's 3-yard line.

c)  The ball is dead where A1 lost possession at B's 3-yard line.  Rule 4.2.1.f.ii says, "The ball becomes dead and the down is ended when a fumbled ball touches the ground, it is spotted where the ball touches the ground, unless the ball is fumbled forward, and then it is spotted where the runner loses possession, including forward fumbles that touch the ground in the end zone or out of bounds behind the goal line."


3. TRUE or FALSE?  QB A1 rolls out and slips, but regains their balance as the ball in their hand touches the ground. Play should continue because a ball in possession is considered part of the player's hand.

TRUE.  Rule 4.2.1.b says, "The ball becomes dead and the down is ended when the runner goes out-of-bounds or allows any part of their body except hand or foot to touch the ground (note: the down does not end if a ball touches the ground while still in control of a player)."  The ball is basically an extension of the runner's hand.