1)  TRUE or FALSE?  1st & 10 for A from the 40.  All 7 A players line up in a formation and back A5 goes in motion laterally.  While A5 is in motion, quarterback A1 takes two steps backward, sets, and receives the snap.  A5 remains in motion at the snap then turns downfield after the ball is snapped.  This is a penalty for an illegal shift.
TRUE.  According to rule 7.2.4., "after a huddle or shift, all Team A players shall come to an absolute stop and remain stationary, simultaneously, without pronounced movement of hands, feet, head or body for at least one second before the snap."  After that one second, only one player can be in motion, as long as that motion is not towards the line of scrimmage.  If player A5 had reset for one second after the QB A1 took their two steps backward, A5 could then go into motion again, and there would not be a foul for an illegal shift.

2)  TRUE or FALSE?  If a loose ball touches a game official who is straddling the sideline, the ball is not out of bounds.
FALSE.  According to rule 2.7.3., "a loose ball is out-of-bounds when it touches anything, including a player or game official, which is out of bounds."

3)  TRUE or FALSE?  Inside the last two minutes of either half, if a muffed snap touches the ground prior to the QB gaining possession, the clock should be stopped, the ball goes back to the previous spot, and the down counts.
FALSE.  Rule 3.1.3 says "an errant snap that touches the ground during the last two minutes of each half does not cause the clock to stop."  This is because an errant snap is treated like a fumble would be in tackle football, not an incomplete pass.  Team A should not be given the advantage of stopping the clock in the last two minutes of each half due to a muffed snap.

4)  TRUE or FALSE?  During overtime, if the defensive team gains possession of a live ball, the ball becomes dead immediately and the down and series has ended for the offensive team.
TRUE.  Rule 8.6.1.d

5)  TRUE or FALSE?  Once the snapper places both hands on the ball, they may not be removed until a legal snap occurs.
FALSE.  7.1.6. NOTE says, "The snapper may take their hand(s) off the ball, but only if this does not simulate the start of a play."

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