YBTR 04-20-2022


1)  TRUE or FALSE?  Team B can commit pass interference during an illegal forward pass.

FALSE.  Rule 7.5.7 says that no player of A or B shall interfere with an opponent beyond the line of scrimmage during a LEGAL forward pass play. If the covering official judges the contact to be excessive, a live ball foul for unnecessary roughness may still be enforced.

2)  What's the ruling?  4th & 15.  K announces a protected punt.  The clock is running with 1:10 left in the 1st half when the ball is snapped.  K2 snaps the ball to K3, who holds the ball for 6 or 7 seconds, then punts it out of bounds.

The referee will enforce a penalty for delay of game.  Rule 6.1.6 says that an attempt to punt must occur immediately after the punter receives the snapped ball.  If accepted, a 5-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot and the referee should reset the game clock to 1:10 and start the clock on the kick.  If team A had wanted to run time off of the clock, they should have delayed the snap until just 1 or 2 seconds were remaining on the play clock.

3)  What's the ruling?  K1's untouched punt is rolling, then comes to a stop.  K5 places a hand on it, but does not gain possession.  R4 then grabs the ball and races for a touchdown.

The ball is dead when K5 touches it.  Rule 4.2.1.h says that the ball becomes dead and the down is ended when any member of the kicking team catches or possesses a kicked ball or touches a grounded, kicked ball.  Ball is dead and belongs to team R at the spot of K5's touching.