Darrel Bayani, NGFFL 2019 Hall of Fame

What does being a Hall of Famer mean to you?
Being a Hall of Famer to me means that everything we hoped we could achieve from Gay Bowl I has happened. We have grown from a few teams getting together to play football to where we’ve had so many amazing contributors that we have a Hall of Fame. In a speech at Gay Bowl II in San Francisco, I challenged everyone in attendance to keep making each tournament better than the last. Everyone delivered! Being a Hall of Famer means everything to me!

What made you decide to “come out and play” in the NGFFL?
When I came out in high school I wanted to find my community. After graduating, I had no outlet for football. I found a group of guys who were playing at a local park (Dolores Park) not far from the Castro in San Francisco. Through Outsports we were able to connect with Jim Buzinski and organize a small tournament in Los Angeles, which eventually became Gay Bowl I.

What is your favorite NGFFL memory so far?
My favorite memory so far was walking out onto the fields at Gay Bowl II in San Francisco. We had grown from 3 teams to 6. It was amazing to see all the players from LGBT communities across the country. It felt great to find others like me, and I no longer felt alone.

Given the mission/vision of NGFFL: “To proudly foster community, camaraderie, and inclusivity by providing opportunities to engage in competition through flag football” – how do you plan to use your new moniker as Hall of Famer to embody this mission/vision?
I plan to continue fostering flag football in our community. It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve never given up providing a safe space for others in our community to play and meet new people through flag football.

Do you have any advice for new players?
Keep our community growing! It should never end with you. Find ways to help your local leagues and communities. Once you start playing, find ways you can help off the field. This community cannot grow without you!

Team Swift, Team Perry or Queen Bey – and why?
*Picks up phone and dials the Beygency* ma’am someone is trying to dethrone you.

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